August 13th, Tuesday, 2022 Tampa Bay Coin Club meeting
7:00pm Pres. Steve T. started off the meeting
Attendance: 38
- Meeting started at 7:00 pm
Two visitors were present: Armon Sunnerall and Josh
3 birthdays were observed, and three coins were given; 2 silver dimes and one silver quarter
Deposit for the new Medal has been made
Gold Raffle is over 50% of the value
October meeting will be the swap meet instead of he auction with at least 9 dealers/sellers scheduled to
Oct meeting will also be for the nomination for the officers and directors for the BOD
December meeting will be the Christmas party/ luncheon to be held here on Dec 13 th
Floor open for discussions and no concerns were raised
50/50 raffle won by Steve Dowd the amount was $58.0
Albert reminded members about the upcoming local coin club shows
Door prize drawing won by President Steve Terciak
Short presentation by Colonel Steve Howard discussing past/present/future of the pricing of precious
metals thanks to a Texas heiress buying 100 million in silver eagles and gold which is ruining the market
for the rest of us
Auction started at 7:35 pm
Raffle immediately after the auction with 8 winners
Meeting ended at 8:05