JUNE 13th, Tuesday, 2023 Tampa Bay Coin Club meeting
7:00pm Pres. Al O. started off the meeting
Attendance : 42
Pledge of Allegiance
3 new members 2 Visitors
2 members collected their surprise birthday coins
Pres. Al O. Discussed with the members about a cost hike in next
years membership fee, which will be $20. The members were also asked of
paying a price of $5 toward this years Christmas banquet along with $5 for
added guest. With rising prices , the hike in fees will help towards achieving
our goals for the club. In addition , we’ll be adding more tables at our next show
in November. We’re also taking applications to reserve tables at the November
show as well.
Name tags for the club members was proposed ,with a $5 fee for a lost tag.
Swap meet proposed for our meeting on October 10 .
Tonight’s presentation was a show and tell from our member (Steve)
1955 Double Die Obverse Lincoln cent
Rick S. read the Secretary’s report
Tracy T. read the Treasurer’s report
50/50 conducted by Rick T. Winner Charles L
The Valentin Door Prize winner: Michael K , with a Silver Eagle in box
Auction ended followed by the Silver Coin raffle with a mix of Peace dollars
and Silver Eagle conducted by Alan L.
8:10pm Raffle ended. Meeting adjourned