October 8, 2019 @ Northdale Community Center
Attendance: The October meeting had 50+ general members and dealers in
attendance, along with 10 Club Officers/Directors present.
Also in attendance were two (2) guests.
6:30 PM Doors Open.
7:00 PM Tampa Bay Coin Club meeting commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Steve Tercyak opened the meeting and immediately moved to commence with the election of Club Board Members. All existing Board Members were re-elected (vote by membership), with one change made in the Secretary’s position. Nathan Gazi will remain on the Board as General Secretary, and Richard Tiffany was elected as the new Recording Secretary.
Secretary Report: Nathan Gazi read the minutes of the September 2019 meeting.
Treasurer Report: None. Treasurer absent from the meeting/family emergency.
Announcement: 1st Vice President Dennis Misiak reminded members that the annual Club Banquet will be held on November 12 in lieu of a regular club meeting, at the Golden Corral, and that sign-up and collection/payment of $7 per member and $7 per guest should be made immediately (or ASAP). Headcount needed.
7:10 PM General Discussion
- The members who had a birthday in October received a Brilliant Uncirculated 1955-D Roosevelt dime (1955 was the year which TBCC was founded). Two (2) members received a coin.
- Upcoming Coin Club Show Reminder – Director/Bourse Co-Chair Albert Omeara reminded all members/dealers that the Winter TBCC show is being held on Saturday Dec. 14 at the Big Top Flea Market. Set-up to take place on Friday Dec. 13. Informational fliers made available to members. It is urgent that prospective Dealers sign up ASAP by calling either Director Omeara or President Steve Tercyak.
- It was announced that the 2020 Winter FUN show will be held on Jan. 9 – 11 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, and that volunteers are needed for the TBCC table at that event.
- Steve Tercyak and Albert Omeara solicited comments/ideas from members concerning a theme for the next TBCC Medal. Several Florida Historical events or themes were posed by various members.
7:35 PM There was no educational speaker for this meeting, so President Steve Tercyak opened the floor to anyone who wished to discuss (or present) anything coin acquisition related. A short discussion did ensue concerning CAC certification.
7:40 PM 50-50 Raffle: Proceeds of $80+ were collected. The winning member received 50% of the collected proceeds.
7:42 PM Meeting Break.
7:48 PM Monthly Attendance Drawing: Richard Gazegorcztk was the winner of a 2010 Silver American Eagle in the drawing.
7:50 PM Monthly TBCC Auction took place, involving 104 lots. 9 lots were not available/missing from the auction. Volunteer Auctioneers were Directors Dennis Misiak, Nathan Gazi and Member Rick Tumbleston.
8:50 PM TBCC Monthly Silver Raffle took place with the aid of Director Allen Lebeda, winning tickets announced by Director Nathan Gazi. 9 Silver Rounds and 1 Silver Bar were won by various members.
9:00 PM Meeting Adjourned