August 13, 2019 @ Northdale Community Center
Attendance: The August meeting had sixty-six (66) members in attendance.
Also in attendance were eight (8) guests.
6:30PM Doors Open.
7:00PM Tampa Bay Coin Club meeting commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance. President Steve Tercyak opened the meeting.
Secretary Report: Dennis Misiak read the minutes of the June 2019 meeting.
Treasurer Report: The Treasurer provided an overview of the financial health of the Tampa Bay Coin Club.
7:10PM General Discussion
- The members who had a birthday in July received a Brilliant Uncirculated 1955-D Roosevelt dime (1955 was the year which TBCC was founded). Five (5) members received a coin.
- Medal Program Update: Forty (40) of the 2019 Florida Keys Overseas Railroad medals remain available for sale. They will be available for purchase by TBCC members at the Monthly General Meeting. Cost is $16.00 per medal.
- Grading Seminar: An Extra Grading Session will be held on September 17th. Skip Fazzari (ICG) will conduct the class. Participants are encouraged to take advantage of this additional opportunity.
- Richard Arecas tested video recording of the July meeting. This will be uploaded to the TBCC website for review.
7:15PM 50-50 Raffle: Proceeds of $150 were collected. Alan Lebeda was the winner of $75.00.
Monthly Attendance Drawing: Pat Apel was the winner of the Silver American Eagle in the drawing.
7:20PM- Educational Presentation: Mark Trout gave a presentation entitle d
7:45PM “Where The Buffalos Roam”. This comprehensive presentation provided member with a chronology of the American Buffalo (Bison) as it appears on various denominations of U.S. coinage, from the Nickel through the Commemorative Silver Dollar.
7:45PM- Meeting Break
7:55PM – TBCC Monthly Auction
8:50PM TBCC Monthly Silver Raffle
9:00PM Meeting Adjourned