January 14, 2020 @ Northdale Community Center
ATTENDANCE: 67 persons attended the meeting, including 6 guests…2 of whom were YN’s.
This was an increase of 25 persons over the previous month. 13 of 14 Club Directors/Officers were in attendance: Richard Arcas, Andrew Lydic, Alan Lebeda, Nathan Gazi, Kurt Mehl, Dennis Misiak, Al O’Meara, Richard Schemitsch, Hugh Taggart, Inge Taggart, Steve Tercyak, Richard Tiffany and Tracy Trottier. NOTE: 2 new members were present, including one YN. Another new Guest, a YN, submitted a member application.
6:30 p.m. – Doors Open to Members and Guests.
7:00 p.m. – The Tampa Bay Coin Club meeting commenced with the Pledge Of Allegiance, President Steve Tercyak presiding.
- 5 TBCC members were recognized for January birthdays. Photo taken.
Each received a holdered 1955-D BU Roosevelt Dime (year club was founded).
- All attending were reminded of the 2020 dues, now payable. 19 members paid their $15.00 dues at this meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Tracy Trottier reported that the Club took in $867.00 in December, and $1100+ at the Winter TBCC Show. Treasury is declared “healthy.”
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Richard Tiffany covered “highlights” of the December Club Meeting.
- Hugh Taggart advised that ALL remaining 2018/2019 TBCC Medals were sold at the Winter FUN Show. Dennis Misiak stated that the proposed 2020 Medal design will involve Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, the 1stS. Army Volunteer Cavalry, 1898 Spanish-American War.
- Steve Tercyak and Al O’Meara thanked the membership for their great turnout and help with the Dec. 13th Set-up of the TBCC Winter Coin Show. It was also announced that the March/Spring Coin Show has been cancelled due to the pending sale of the Big Top Flea Market, and that a new Venue is being sought. Any help that members can provide with Venue ideas is needed. Kurt Mehl spoke of his pursuit of a new Venue.
- Member Jarrod Lazurus advised that he had won 2 annual NGC registry set awards. Best in Category and Best in Presentation.
January 14, 2020 @ Northdale Community Center
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- Richard Arcas spoke on Club Meetings and Facebook (streaming live, with exception of the Auctions) as well as his continuing work on an interactive club auction catalog, and 2016-2019 Auction Reports.
- Andrew Lydic spoke on the implementation of several new auction rules. Effective March 2020….deadline for auction submissions is the 4th Tuesday of every month, submissions to be made via the Club’s Website and email submissions must be made by “each member.”
- Steve Tercyak mentioned a proposal for General Club Member T-Shirts, with a $10 contribution per member. A majority of the membership agreed with this. A list will be forthcoming, to be compiled with the appropriate information.
50/50 Raffle – $168.00 collected. $84.00 won by member Sims Duggins.
7:40 – 7:50 p.m. Meeting Break / Final Viewing of Auction Lots
7:50 – 8:40 p.m. Club Auction (Auctioneers Al O’Meara and Rick Tumbleston)
- 102 Total Lots
- 4 Not Available (#40 – 43)
- 72 Sold
- 30 Not Sold
8:40 – 8:55 p.m. Rudy Valentin Silver Door Prize – ASE won by member Larry Judah.
Silver Raffle – Conducted by Alan Lebeda, Kurt Mehl and Nathan Gazi.
10 items consisted of 4 Morgan S$1, 2 American Silver
Eagles, 2 Commemorative Silver Rounds, 1 Silver Maple
Leaf and a 1 oz. Silver Bar. NOTE: Member Bruce Schnider
won 3 of the items.
9:00 p.m. – Meeting Adjourned