May General Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2019 @ Northdale Community Center
Attendance: 46 members were in attendance.
6:30PM Doors Open.
7:00PM Tampa Bay Coin Club meeting commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance. President Steve Tercyak opened the meeting.
Secretary Report: Secretary was not in attendance. Dennis Misiak provided a overview of the April 2019 meeting.
Treasurer Report: The Treasurer reported that the club continues to remain financially viable. The April meeting yielded a $144.00 profit to the Club resulting from the proceeds of the 50-50 Raffle and the sale of medals.
7:10PM General Discussion
- Steve Tercyak requested that members provide their birthday date in advance of the next monthly meeting. Those members will be recognized by the Club at the meeting in which their birthday occurs.
- The Florida East Coast Railroad medal is currently in the minting process. This medal will be issued as a two (2) medal set; One with a proof finish and the second with a brilliant uncirculated finish. The medals will be ready for sale at the 2019 Summer FUN Show in Orlando. Any TBCC member wishing to pre-order may do so by remitting payment to the TBCC Treasurer.
- 2019 Summer FUN Show (July 11-13, 2019): Volunteers are needed to assist at the TBCC table at the show. Members who would like to assist should notify the TBCC Board indicating their interest in participation. (NOTE: Those who are providing support at the table must have a current membership in the FUN organization.)
The Clearwater Coin Club will be chartering a bus for its members to attend the show on Friday, July 12th. CCC has extended an invitation for TBCC members to join them. Anyone who has an interest should contact Bill Lynch for details and to reserve a spot.
- Upcoming Coin Shows:
Coinacopia – June 1st
Brandon Coin Club – June 15th
West Hernando Coin Club – June 22n
- Grading Seminar: Dates for the seminar are still being finalized based upon Skip Fazari’s (ICG) availability to conduct the class. Twelve (12) slots are currently available; five (5) have been committed; seven (7) are open.
(NOTE: After the meeting concluded, four TBCC members committed to attending the seminar [Jim Yount, Steve Fox, Sandy Eastlick and Fernando Carrion]. As a result of those commitments, only three (3) slots remain open for enrollment]
- TBCC Auction: New rules regarding changes to payment at the conclusion were communicated to the membership. The changes which were incorporated into the TBCC rules are as follows:
- Members may not get in line to complete their transactions until the completion of the General Meeting.
- An announcement will be made when the Treasurer is ready to finalize transactions with the members.
- Those members who purchased lots in the auction will be requested to line up first to finalize transactions for the auction lots which they had won.
- Once completed, a second announcement will be made. Individuals who sold auction lots will then reconcile their transactions. This will include sold and unsold items, which will be returned to the seller.
[NOTE: Should a member express an interest in purchasing an unsold item, they must do so directly with the consignor. TBCC will no longer complete transactions for unsold items in the “check out” process]
7:15PM 50-50 Raffle: Proceeds of $120 were collected. Matthew Taft was the winner of $60.00
Monthly Attendance Drawing: Tony Martini was the winner of the Silver American Eagle in the drawing.
7:20PM- Educational Presentation: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mark
7:45PM Trout was unable to attend. His presentation, “Where The Buffalos Roam on U.S. Coinage” will be rescheduled for a subsequent meeting.
7:45PM- Meeting Break
7:55PM – TBCC Monthly Auction
8:50PM TBCC Monthly Silver Raffle
9:00PM Meeting Adjourned